
Should you stay or go?
Contemplating ending your relationship is a life changing decision and not one to make lightly if you have young children. Trust me I have been there. Often the beginning of a new year is a time when we question the state of our lives and our relationships both intimate and professional. A new year can also signal the re-evaluation of goals and future dreams and whether they are aligned with our personal visions. If you are not completely satisfied with various aspects of your life it will impact all areas of your life and inevitably will result in you reflecting and contemplating where to next?

What is the state of your relationship?
Relationships shouldn’t feel like hard work – but, they do take work to stay healthy and strong and sometimes it’s all about asking the right questions the love questions! Relationship and Divorce Coach Kimberlee Sweeney helps individuals who are on the brink of separation to work out if their partnership can be saved, or if it’s better to go in different directions. Here, is some of the homework she gives couples to strengthen their bond and see if they’re meant to be!

Dealing with a Narcissistic Ex!
I have refrained from writing a blog on this for many years, for many reasons. One being I am not professionally qualified in the mental health field to diagnose or alert others to this personality disorder. But I have gained a wealth of knowledge over the years and I often share it with my clients dealing with what we shall call a “difficult personality”. So, I have decided it’s time. Time to share what I know and back it up with links that I often send to my clients to help them understand not only what a narcissist is, but how to handle yourself around them and how to conduct all communication with them. If you have children with an ex-partner, with this difficult personality type, it is challenging to co-parent with them, you can only parallel parent. More on that to come.

Dating in the 21st Century
Dating in the 21st century poses a plethora of challenges that are frequently confronting and crushing to one’s confidence. In the past, couples were often introduced by family and friends. Social situations and family gathering would provide a safe way of meeting people and forming relationships. In contemporary society while such occasions still exist, they are less likely to provide opportunities for separated and divorced people to meet potential partners.

How’s your sex life?
That got your attention didn’t it! In my background as a beauty therapist and more recently in my Divorce and Relationship Coaching role, I have seen how stress can affect hormones, the skin and other aspects of clients’ lives and relationships. I have researched the impact of hormones in both the female and male reproductive systems and the adrenal system and I encourage my clients to become familiar with the impact of hormones, not only with their stress levels but also on their sexual drive and desire.

Intimacy is not just about sex!
Intimacy is not just about sex and touch. While we need touch and sexual intimacy to keep a relationship alive, we also need to cultivate intimacy in all its manifestations. Long term committed relationships need to be nurtured to ensure they thrive. There are four types of intimacy that will help relationships to flourish. We all need our own varying degrees of each type of intimacy in our relationship depending on our personalities and personal preferences.

Absent Parents
In this Blog the focus is on how to communicate with your children if the other parent is absent. As a coach my goal is to help as many families as possible put a fair and amicable co-parenting agreement in place, where at all possible. As a mum myself, I do understand how hard it is to let go of being a full-time parent to your child/ren. I believe that children do need both parents in their lives with the proviso that both parents are emotionally and mentally fit to co-parent successfully and the children are safe in either home.

Effective Communication with Your Ex-partner Whilst Separating
One of the key lessons I have learnt from my own divorce and from my speciality training in helping others find ways to effectively communicate is…. Well the main thing is… LET IT GO! Let go of the hurt, anger and pain. Find other ways to deal with your emotions. Do not bring your emotional hurts to the communication table when you are negotiating ANYTHING with your ex.

Are you with the right partner?
How do you know if the person you’ve been dating is ‘the One’? What do you need from a partner and how can you look for the signs that you are dating someone who is worthy of you? Take some time to reflect on the following points and you will be one step closer to finding ‘the One’!

Building Resilience
Resilience is something you have to work on, and not stop putting the work in to! It doesn’t come easy and it won’t happen as fast as you would like it too either. Yet, with time and perseverance you CAN rebuild/ build your resilience.

Contracting Out Agreement
After years of careful saving and contributing to Kiwisaver, Murdoch was excited about buying his first home. On learning that Murdoch’s partner was going to be living in the home with him, Murdoch’s conveyancing lawyer quickly sent him to see me for a Contracting Out Agreement.

How to support your children during your separation!
Ten Tips around communication with your children during separation/divorce. Read on if you want to look back in years to come and know you did all you could to make this transition in your children’s life as painless as practically possible. Look back and say I was the best parent I could be at the time!

You know you are marrying the right person…
You know you are marrying the right person when you have mastered these ten features of a successful relationship.

Lawyers and Divorce Coaches working in sync.
In my profession as a CDC Certified Divorce Coach, I have built a Portfolio of experts to refer clients going through separation or divorce. I have spent a substantial amount of time meeting with Barristers, family lawyers, mediators, financial experts, mortgage brokers, real estate agents, counsellors and psychologists, and the like.

SEPARATED, but feeling like you are still living in the same misery?
As a divorce coach I can assist those going through separation and divorce and the many varying stages of these processes. From thinking about initiating separation, to going through it and also the coming out the other side of it phase too.

How do you introduce your children to your new partner?
This can be a tricky one, and an all-important next step. If you want it to go well get it right the first try.

Being single again!
You are coming out of the haze that is separation and divorce, it’s true… it takes two years to truly find yourself again after coming out of any long term relationship.

Find the JOY in your relationship – by letting go of perfection.
I’ve spent many many hours in my career listening to women complain about their partners and how their needs are not being met. And I have also listened to men say they just don’t understand women, even if they have been married to them for 15 or more years, they still don’t understand their thinking.

Holidays are over – your relationship doesn’t have to be!
Did you spend your holiday reconnecting or disconnecting from your significant other? When we think about the holidays we imagine sun, laughter, relaxation, fun family time, socialising….. Was that your reality these holidays or was this just an unreal expectation?

ESTROGENS – what effect is it really having?
I’ve been doing a bit of reading of late about relationships and hormones and healthy living with clean eating , (yes separately, as that’s how I roll – 3 books on the go at one time- but they all do intertwine.