On Demand Coaching


Includes 8 x 15 minute OR 4 x 30min phone, skype, zoom or email or text conversations - text and email time is the time it takes me to read and respond to your messages, this time will be logged and track by your coach

This package is in additional to the above coaching packages and cannot be purchased without a pervious discovery coaching session or coaching package.

My on-demand coaching is for additional support via email correspondence and phone calls between your pre-paid coaching sessions, when you run into strife or overwhelm and need to make contact with me before our next scheduled session.

For example, communication break downs with ex-spouse, children, lawyers, we can analyse your situation and strategize ways you can repair break down in communications and move forward with clear open communication that benefits all. Your coach will read and edit all correspondences, before you forward them on to the parties they are intended, in a way that shows you how to show up and work on improved communications, until you’re in a better space to action these difficult communications alone!

If you’re having a particularly hard day and need on the spot coaching, you can email or text and schedule a 15min phone or skype/zoom call within 24 hrs.

Your coach is here on call to guide and support you, with a little on demand coaching.

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